A dental crown or “cap” is a covering that fits over a damaged, decayed or unattractive tooth. It can even replace a tooth entirely as part of dental bridgework. A crown completely covers a tooth above the gum line. This is in contrast to a dental veneer, which only covers a tooth's front surface and needs natural tooth structure to support it. Therefore, if a tooth is missing a significant amount of structure above the gum line, a crown would be the restoration of choice. Crowns strengthen damaged teeth, allowing them to function normally again. When crafted from today's high-tech porcelains (dental ceramics), crowns are virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth. They can even be designed to improve upon a tooth's original appearance.

If your teeth could use improvement in tooth color, shape and alignment, porcelain veneers could be just what you're looking for.You may already know that a veneer is a thin covering over another surface. In dentistry, a veneer is a wafer-thin layer of super-strong porcelain that convincingly substitutes for natural tooth enamel. When bonded to your teeth, veneers can create a natural-looking, beautiful new surface. That's because dental porcelain, like natural tooth enamel, is translucent and tough. But it doesn't stain like tooth enamel does. Remarkable advances have been made in dental porcelain technology. These days, veneers can be made so thin that they can sometimes be bonded directly onto your existing tooth surface. In other cases, a very thin layer of tooth enamel — as thin as the veneer itself — needs to be removed to fit the new porcelain surface and make it look as lifelike as possible. Either way, the results are sure to make you smile.


A crown is a hard-wearing cap that fits over the natural tooth. It gives a weak tooth strength without impairing aesthetics.Advantages of crowns:

  • Very similar in appearance to your own, natural, tooth.
  • Restores the strength to a weakened tooth.
  • Prevents further damage.

Crowns are a very useful treatment for restoring a tooth that has been root treated and to restore a weakened tooth where a filling is no longer providing optimum results.


Bridges are a lot like crowns. They work in the same way and give a similar appearance. The difference between the two is that in bridges, the crowns are joined together in two or more units.Bridges are used to replace missing teeth and are an alternative to dentures and implants.Like crowns, bridges are very strong and, aesthetically, very pleasing.


Veneers fit over the front of your tooth to improve their appearance. They can make your teeth appear whiter, smoother, and more uniform in shape and size. In this way, they are much like false nails.Veneers can be suitable for:

  • Worn teeth.
  • Chipped teeth.
  • Teeth that are out of alignment (this is often corrected by braces too).
  • Gaps between the teeth
  • Stained teeth.
  • Crooked teeth.

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